CASE - Post trauma
Review the case, then read notes below.
ACL is torn.
Contusions are seen in the posterior tibia although there are no classic "kissing contusions". There is a sprain of the
fibular collateral ligament proximally.
Did you see the meniscal tear ?
A meniscofemoral ligament of Wrisberg is present (
figure 1). The junction of the Wrisberg ligament and posterior horn extends more lateral than expected (
figure 2 - to the posterolateral corner), with an irregular interface, suggesting a limited longitudinal tear, the so called "Wrisberg Rip" coined by
Awh and Stadnick. Medial meniscus intact, with
minimal edema at the meniscocapsular junction.
Normal knee MRI for comparison
Re-open this caseREFERENCES1 Vahey TN et al. MR imaging of the knee: pseudotear of the lateral meniscus caused by the meniscofemoral ligament. AJR 1990 Jun;154(6):1237-9.
Accession: CL0477
Study description: MRI JNT OF LWR EXTRE W/O DYE - LEFT