Transgastric pancreatic duct drain
Transgastric pancreatic duct drain
Chronic pancreaticocutaneous fistulas can be difficult to
treat. This paper presents a snare-target
technique for draining a non-dilated pancreatic duct into the stomach, thus
diverting pancreatic fluid away from the pancreaticocutaneous fistula to allow
it to heal. Internal or internal/external transgastric
pancreatic duct or fistula drains were placed in 6 patients. After an average of 4 months of drainage, all 6 patients had resolution of the cutaneous
fistula. 2 patients developed a
pseudocyst but no recurrent fistula after drain removal, and the other 4 had no
pseudocyst or fistula after an average of 27 months follow up (range
6-74 months).
Accession: CL0650
Study description: Abdomen^1_ROUTNE_ABD_PEL (Adult)